Traditional Thai massage or medical massage is one of the world's oldest healing modalities. The ancient art dates back over 2500 years, to the temples and traditions of Buddhism and even Buddha himself. It originated in India and as Buddhism spread this healing medicine spread with it to Thailand. Thai people, like many others in the orient, saw illness as an imbalance in the body, mind, and spirit.
What Is Thai Massage?
Traditional Thai massage therapy is an interactive manipulation of the body, by using deep stretches assisted with yoga like postures, gentle pressures along Sen (energy) lines and on acupressure points. It is a holistic and natural based massage that stretches and kneads all the major muscle groups of the body. This helps to open and realign the body.
The positions of Thai massage are designed to improve joint flexibility, lengthen and relax the muscles, to relieve any pressure caused by poor alignment.
The body runs on vital energies that circulate through energy channels. When these channels become blocked we can become prone to illness or injury. Thai massage can detect and release these energy blocks. This is why many people say that after a Thai massage they feel both relaxed and energized at the same time.
Relieves muscular & joint tension.
Increases flexibility & range of motion.
Assists alignment & postural integrity of the body.
Improves blood circulation and toxin removal.
Stimulates lymphatic drainage.
Boosts immune system.
Stimulates internal organs.
Releases stress & increases energy.
Aids a healthier sleep pattern.
Balances the body's energy system.
Provides deep relaxation which enhances our body's ability to heal itself.
Promotes inner peace & a quiet mind.
The Treatment
Your massage takes place on the floor on a mat and you remain dressed in loose & comfortable clothing throughout the session. A session typically lasts two hours, but a full massage can be completed in one hour. Brief work on the neck, shoulders & scalp can be very relaxing when time is limited. Your massage therapy would be carried out by a professional Thai Massage therapist.
Herbal Compress Massage
A herbal massage incorporates heated herbal compresses into the traditional Thai massage with which you are already familiar. Herbal compresses are heated in an herbal steamer, and the warm bundles are applied directly to the skin or through the client's clothing during a massage session.
It is no secret that hot compresses are excellent for stiff, sore, or pulled muscles and ligaments, back pain, arthritis, chronic pain or injury, disorders of the internal organs, skin diseases, migraines, and chronic stress or anxiety. But a hot herbal compress adds to these benefits the healing effects of therapeutic herbs. The blend of traditional Thai herbs used in these compresses has simultaneously a relaxing and invigorating effect on the body and mind, soothing sore and over-worked muscles while giving a boost for the body's energy level.
Herbal Compress
The use of the compress during the course of the massage can also be relaxing and stimulating. Thai therapists can use herbal compresses on the joints to soften and loosen the connections between bones and increase mobility before major stretching. Also, the use of the compresses on the abdomen can encourage digestion and stimulate the organs. Apply the hot compresses to the skin directly or through the client's massage clothes, and allow them to warm the client's body, penetrating and dissipating any tension before moving on to deep acupressure work.
The aromatherapeutic effects of the herbs used in the compresses should not be undervalued. Many of these herbs have a balancing effect on the mind and spirit and provide clients with a soothing reduction of stress. All of the herbs also possess properties that clear out the congestion of the lungs and sinuses, and the application of hot compresses to the chest and throat can be a wonderful way to kick a cold.